Lokace: Iceland,
Volcanoes, glaciers and cascading water, Iceland?s magnetic allure is irresistible for the traveling fly fisher.
Lokace: New Zealand,
Filmed during the best year for big fish in the last decade, The Source -New Zealand features breathtaking ...
Lokace: Argentina,
Just a little northeast of Salta Argentina, the rain shadow of the Andean Mountains gives way to the Yunga forest.
Lokace: United States,
Henrys Lake started as a small, shallow, natural alpine lake.
Lokace: Česká republika,
Obrázky z jedné možné varianty výběru TOP 10 muškařských revírů v ČR.
Lokace: various,
Wide Open Outdoor Film is founded by the danish photographer Niels Vestergaard.
Lokace: United Kingdom,
Picture gallery from winter fishing on the river Test (England).
Lokace: Argentina,
The Rio Grande is located in the North of Tierra del Fuego Province.
Lokace: France,
Pictures of rivers from Jura region in France.
Lokace: Austria,
Obrázky z muškaření na rakouské řece Gmundner Traun, říjen 2010.