Lokace: Iceland,
The Huseyjarkvisl river is truly a fly fishing gem. With wild salmon and trout stocks that are on the rise.
Lokace: United Kingdom,
Picture gallery to the article "In Pursuit of Giants".
Lokace: Canada,
Fifty-thousand acres of wild Canadian country with 40 excellent fishing lakes
Lokace: Finland,
That material we, fly-fishermen, are all drawn into; in different forms.
Kategorie: RůznéAndras Nemeth
Kategorie: Různé FlyFishingPoint (Česká republika)
Lokace: various,
Gallery featuring the winners of *Catch the emotions on FFP* via FFP facebook page.
Kategorie: Různé FlyFishingPoint
Lokace: Argentina,
Argentina offers the fly fishermen so many venues to pursue it is difficult to make choices.
Lokace: various,
As a freelance photographer and fly fishing addict I always try to capture my fly fishing adventures and experiences.
Kategorie: RůznéMarcus Sies
Lokace: Finland,
Photo's of colorful fish, rivers, and habitat. All but one of these shots are from Finland. Guess which one is not.
Kategorie: RůznéAndras Nemeth
Lokace: Slovinsko,
Nejlepší mušky z tradiční vazčské soutěže ve Slovinsku.
Lokace: United States,
Used as a life line for carrying goods and supplies, migrating people, supplying fish, crabs and oysters, ...