Fly Box C&F Design Universal System Case Large Off White |
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Fly Box C&F Design Universal System Case Large Off White

Fly Box C&F Design Universal System Case Large Off White Fly Box C&F Design Universal System Case Large Off White
Buy: Fly Box C&F Design Universal System Case Large Off White
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: 1200210 Size: Large Unit price: 32,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: 2 wks -+

This case comes with one foam changer on one side and offers extra clearance inside, making it perfect for carrying bulky flies without compression.

The box is compatible with various sheets of the same size as well as large C&F Design boxes such as the Trout Guide Box etc.

It is available in three sizes: Large, Medium, and Small in all colors: Black, Sand, Off White, Emerald Green, Olive, Orange and Sky Blue.


  • The highly waterproof water-resistant fly case is a representative product that proves the high quality of C&F Design, with almost no broken cases in over 20 years of sales.
  • C&F waterproof fly case with the longest history
  • From long streamers up to 17 cm to fly fishers who want to carry many small flies in one case, it has been loved by all fly fishers
Producer: C&F Design
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