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TOP 5 Colors Of Pike Streamers You MUST HAVE!

Category: Flies for Fly Fishing | Author: Ála Richie

As with stillwater lures, river nymphs or dry and wet flies, there are also indispensable color variants for pike streamers, without which you simply cannot go to the water! Not perhaps because with other patterns you would have no chance to catch, but rather for your feeling of maximum readiness! So let's imagine the variants you must have on the water!

TOP 5 Colors Of Pike Streamers You MUST HAVE! The most important color variants of pike streamers, which you should definitely not miss in your fly box! And if you don't want to lose them quickly, a quality pike wire is a matter of course! ;-)

You have already read in more detail information about the classification and characteristics of special streamers designed for fly fishing for freshwater pike - pike flies in my previous article Flies & Gear For Pike Fly Fishing. In this article, however, I would really like to focus only on the TOP 5 color variants - not specific streamers - which are so typical for pike fly fishing and of course the most effective - year-round universal lures.

So let's show individual color combinations of large pike streamers, which should never be missing in your fly box when fishing for pike, and describe their main advantages, use during the predator fishing season and everything you need to know to fish with them!

Clydesdale Red Perch - Example of red & white "RH" streamer

RED & WHITE "RH" STREAMER is an absolutely indispensable type of fly for all pike-hunters, both beginners and advanced. To use the correct fly fishing comparison, this color variant is something like Montana in stillwater fly fishing, Sirupcik in river nymphing or natural Goddard Sedge in summer dry fly fishing during the hatch of large caddis flies.

Pike streamer No.1, which you must have in the box on each pike expedition, if you want to have peace of mind and the feeling that you have done absolutely everything to catch a big pike - even in the end when you leave the water without a strike. If the fish don't respond to this type of streamer either, it's their fault, not yours! 😉 Of course, I deliberately exaggerate the importance of this model, but only to underline its importance - effectiveness! Red & White RH (Red Head) patterns are usable all year round, although in my opinion their biggest effect is mainly at the beginning of the season or when catching non-catched fish! The great contrast of strong colors is probably the main charm of this fantastically colored bait, which does not imitate anything specific from the realm of fish and amphibians for pike!

Articulated Whistler Yellow & Orange - Example of orange & yellow streamer

ORANGE & YELLOW STREAMER is undoubtedly a great fantastic pike streamer No.2, which uses similar effects principles as RH streamer, and thus the contrast and expressiveness of the colors used, all the more so when it is complemented by shiny tinsel and other elements that increase its effectiveness - such as Wiggle Tail, acoustic elements, large eyes, etc. Thanks to the yellow-orange combination, it is perfectly visible for pike even at greater depths or in colored water, in clean water it can have a frightening effect - especially with careful pike, but of course catching a large experienced fish is definitely not excluded!

Of course, if you have the previous red & white pattern in your pike fly box, you should also not miss this color variant, as it is also excellent for zander fly fishing, which like yellow, yellow-orange or yellow-green lures! For example, if you prefer to fish for more natural types of baits - small fish imitation, at least with these two color variants you should close your eyes and include them in your box of pike baits! 👌

Dougie's Clouser Roach - Example of bait Fish imitation

BAIT FISH STREAMER (COARSE FISH IMITATION) is an indispensable naturally tuned bait, which has the task of imitating the most common pike prey - small and not at all brightly colored silver-gray or gold-green fish such as roaches, bream, rudd, bleak etc., which are also somehow weakened or injured, and so an ideal and easily accessible victim for fish predators! You should keep this in mind when reviving such a streamer and its operation to resemble the movement of such a small fish.

When fishing with a not very strongly colored fish streamer, it is certainly ideal to look for schools of small fish - ideally there will be pike lurking nearby waiting for the right opportunity - and in such a place to imitate an injured fish, which differs slightly in movement from other healthy fish in the school etc.! Never doubt one thing, and that is the possible "invisibility" of a natural-looking pike bait, even in colored water! Pike has big eyes and great eyesight - including other senses, so even an indistinct streamer can be found anytime and anywhere, if it's time for a snack! 😏 Personally, I like naturally tuned fish streamers when fishing for pike, but also other fish predators!

BC Perch Streamer - Example of striped perch imitation

STRIPED PERCH IMITATION STREAMER I myself was very pleasantly surprised a few years ago, because I didn't believe the effectiveness of these striped imitations of small perch, pan fish and, for example, small zander or pike, but the opposite is true! Of course, it depends on the type of water and the proportion of small fish as the main pike prey, but from my own experience I must say that striped and originally intended imitations of perch work really great when fishing for pike!

As well as imitating coarse fish, I catch pike and imitation perch mainly in the autumn and in clear water, while from the beginning of the predator season, on the contrary, I follow more colorful fantastic variants, it is definitely not a dogma and the effectiveness of these bait fish imitations is of course year-round and the closer you are. shoal of small fish, this will of course make your chances of catching pike higher! But the truth is that such flocks are more frequent and numerous in the autumn, when small fish congregate in order to find food, hot water, mass support of the flock, etc., so that's why I personally set it up as I wrote above!

Black 'N' Gold Streamer - Example of fantastic dark colored streamer

FANTASTIC DARK-BLACK STREAMER in the end, again, it does not imitate anything specific and we often find patterns in colors such as black with blue, purple, gold, silver or a combination of these variants, but for that it is often extremely effective! This non-traditional color variant - for pike streamers - originated in the Netherlands and surrounding countries when fishing for pike and zander on the famous canals, which are often quite colored, and it is necessary for predator hunters there to really see the pike bait. On the other hand, an all-black streamer, for example with the addition of glossy tinsel, does not offend/scare such a large pike even in really clean water, so it can be said that - even if it is a non-traditional color variant of pike streamer - it is a great universal and a year-round bait for hunting these freshwater predators! Therefore, be sure not to worry about black and dark colored streamers when hunting pike, I think you will be pleasantly surprised! 😎

As you may have noticed and of course I wrote in previous articles on theme Pike On The Fly, in addition to these MUST HAVE color variations, big eyes, which predators generally instinctively attack, are very important for pike/predator streamers, tinsels and glittering fibers, acoustic and vibrating accessories, but let's not forget mainly the material from which the streamer is mostly tied! It should be airy, perfectly mobile in the water and "alive", but on the other hand not so absorbent that it does not make it difficult to cast with such a bait! Modern pike streamers already have all this today, so don't hesitate and definitely try all their advantages while fishing on your favorite non-trout coarse water! 🎣✊

💥 And so that you have an easier choice, I have prepared for you an advantageous Fly Selection - TOP 5 Pike Streamers, which contains guaranteed effective pike streamers in just those TOP 5 indispensable colors + quality and reliable wire rig resistant to pike teeth!

Jak jste si již mohli všimnout a psal jsem to samozřejmě i v předchozích článcích o lovu štik na umělou mušku, vedle těchto MUST HAVE barevných variant jsou u štikových/dravcových streamerů velice důležitým prvkem velké oči, na které dravci obecně instinktivně útočí, lesklé prvky jako lamety a třpytivá vlákna, doplňky akustické a vibrační, ale nezapomínejme hlavně na samotný materiál, ze kterého je streamer majoritně navázán! Ten by měl být vzdušný, ve vodě skvěle pohyblivý a "jako živý", ale na druhou stranu ne tolik nasákavý, aby neznesnadňoval samotné nahazování s takovou nástrahou! Moderní štikové streamery toto vše dnes již mají, takže neváhejte a určitě všechny jejich přednosti vyzkoušejte při lovu na vaší oblíbené mimopstruhové vodě! 🎣✊
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