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The Bushwacker

Category: Fly Tying | Author: Rick Passek

The Bushwacker is a fly that a buddy of mine started tying a few years back. I have changed it a little by using UV Dubbing to make it stand out better in the water.

The Bushwacker is a fly that a buddy of mine started tying a few years back. I have changed it a little by using UV Dubbing to make it stand out better in the water.

I have used this fly in the lakes of BC, Alberta, Washington State, as well as Idaho with GREAT success. The fly can be fished in many different ways, but by far the most successful way to fish this pattern is on a type III sinking line using short quick erratic strips. I have used this fly on a Floating line, Sinking line, Fast sinking line, I have even trolled the fly with success.

This fly is one of those flies that does not represent any one insect perfectly, but it does imitate many insects well. Depending on how much dubbing you add and how much you pull it out the fly can be taken for a leech, Caddis, Scud (Shrimp), Back Swimmer, Water Boatmen, Dragonfly Nymphs, and Damsel fly Nymphs.

Step 1

Step 1

Tie in the 6/0 Thread. Make sure to tie it in around the corner of the hook bend. You can even tie it further than shown in the picture.

Step 2

Step 2

Dub the body with the UV Dubbing. You can use a dubbing loop or just dub directly onto the thread. When dubbing the body, make sure to taper the body as you go. You want the fly to end up thin at the tail and thicker just behind the head (As shown in Picture).

Before the final step, take a dubbing brush and Brush out a bit of the dubbing. Don’t brush out too much though, you just want a a bit of fibers to hang back.

Step 3

Step 3

Tie in one Goose Biot on either side of the head. The Biot should reach back to the inside bend of the hook. Don’t build up too much of a head, just enough to tie in the biots and to add 2 sets of whip finishes. The Biots should be going on a upward angle from the head so that it ends up above the back of the finished fly.

Step 4

Step 4

I tie this fly is several colors to match the surroundings of where I fish it. The better colors I have found over the years are, Light Olive, Dark Olive, Light Brown, Dark Brown, and Black. Make sure to use the corresponding colored Goose Biot when tying in different colors.


Hook - Partridge CZ sizes 8-12
Thread - Olive Green 6/0
Body - Olive Green UV Dubbing
Wings - Olive Green Goose Biots

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