Buff® Original - original neckbands are a very popular fly fishing accessory. Priority has been created to protect the neck, but can be used in many other ways. Continue
Buff® Original - original neckbands are a very popular fly fishing accessory. Priority has been created to protect the neck, but can be used in many other ways. From the simple and long wool pipe it is possible to create a headband, a scarf or mask protecting the whole head and most faces from the cold, the wind, but also the heat and dangerous UV rays in the hot summer. But we can create a lightweight and absorbent hat, a wristband on hand, a thick hair strap,
In addition to the original wool UV Buffs, this category includes special Bug Slinger Buff that protect your skin against the insect bites, Reversible Polar Buff with fleece and Polar Buff and Wool Buff models for realy cold weather. For the tropical areas are a great UVX Buff mask that protects your entire face along with your neck and chest. And if you love streamer fishing, but when the fly line burns and cuts your fingers, get special Buff Pro Series Stripping Guards!