If you want to be as successful as possible when fishing for pike on the fly, you should know and, most importantly, use all the right fishing tactics and fly fishing techniques, which go hand in hand with pike life and eating habits! Don't miss this next FLY FISHING SPECIAL and be 100% determined and ready to catch one of our most beautiful predatory fish - freshwater pike!
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
A comprehensive guide to all the indispensable "weapons" of a pike hunter for an artificial fly - the main fly fishing equipment, special big flies - pike streamers and other useful fly fishing accessories that will make your fishing more enjoyable overall!
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)
As with stillwater lures, river nymphs or dry and wet flies, there are also indispensable color variants for pike streamers, without which you simply cannot go to the water! Not perhaps because with other patterns you would have no chance to catch, but rather for your feeling of maximum readiness! So let's imagine the variants you must have on the water!
Ála Richie (Czech Republic)