In the category "Varnishes, Glues, Epoxy & Waxes" you will find all the necessary chemistry you will use to tie all kinds of artificial flies. Continue
In the category "Varnishes, Glues, Epoxy & Waxes" you will find all the necessary chemistry you will use to tie all kinds of artificial flies. Each fly must be varnished during the flůy tying in individual intermediate steps so that it is durable and so on the end of it we must also glaze the head! Tying Laquer from Loon Outdoors or Veniard and Tommi-Fly is a great way to do that. Next, you will surely use the dubbing wax to help keep the rigid types of dubbings on the tying thread!
UV glue such as Bug Bond, Fly Finish and UV Resin are used to tie various imitations of small fish, sea flies and epoxy buzzers, and we can also use the Superglue glue from Fulling Mill. If you want to learn more about modern UV resins, we have prepared an expert article for you: "Guide To Modern UV Resins & Glues" or even a short and concise summary in "UV Resins And Glues - How To Use Them When Tying Flies".