The Tying Vices firmly grasp the fly hook into their jaws and we can tie the artificial fly with both hands. Continue
The Tying Vices firmly grasp the fly hook into their jaws and we can tie the artificial fly with both hands. Previously, it was not, and the flies were tied only in hands without holding by anything else! This technique of fly tying should be controlled by every enthusiast fly tier, but it is true that the fly tying vice has greatly contributed to the development of fly tying techniques and new methods!
In our category you will find very good lever and rotary vices of Czech production by Jan Tvrdek, as well as more affordable and good quality vices made by Veniard. If you really like fly tying, do not hesitate to buy a vise accessories, or a special gallow tools for tying a Parachute flies or just a bobbin cradle. These accessories will save you a lot of worries and ease your fly tying.
In the orientation between individual fly tying vices will certainly help you the article: Guide To Basic Fly Tying Tools